Universität Bonn

Open Access Service Center

Open Science Coffee Lectures

Interested in learning the basics of open science? Got specific questions about a topic? Looking to share ideas and opinions? Then the Open Science Coffee Lectures are the right place for you. The events last only 15 minutes and are held monthly on a Wednesday during the semester. Come along for information on topics including open and digital research, open-access research data and many more.

Zoom Meeting-ID: 699 6494 6222
Zoom Code: 378249

Bild mit Terminen Coffee Lectures Wintersemester 2022-2023
© Servicestelle Open Access

On break!

The Open Science Coffee Lectures are paused until further notice. In the time being, feel free to browse our previous presentations. Any questions? Feedback? Get in touch: researchdata@uni-bonn.de

Past events

You can find the slides3 from previous Open Science Coffee Lectures here:

Contact and organization

Open Access
Service Center

Research Data
Service Center

Wird geladen