Open-access books
Although open access is often associated with periodicals, it also covers other types of publication including edited volumes, monographs and many more. Here you can find out more about books published in an open-access format.

What are open-access books?
"Open access" in a book context means that the digital version of the book (the e-book) is made available for reuse permanently and free of charge immediately after publication—with no financial barriers whatsoever.
This method is becoming increasingly important in the book world. A host of measures have been taken to transform the open-access landscape, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, where this publication format plays a major role.
Just as with articles, books also generally incur publication costs, known as book processing charges (BPC1s). You can find OA books in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB2).
How we can assist you
We will advise you on how, where and under what license you can publish your open-access book. We can also provide you with funding to help cover your publication fees/BPC1s and are involved in initiatives that support open-access books.