Universität Bonn

Open Access Service Center

Application open-access book chapter

Please check before (!) submitting your application whether your publication falls under an existing Open Access agreement with the university: Overview of the agreements and publishers

Please select faculty or institution.
If the title has not yet been chosen, you are welcome to provide a working title.
Please specify the publication costs or CPC of your publication here. CPC stands for "Chapter Processing Charge" and refers to the publication fee of a chapter in an open-access book.
Please specifiy the currency.
only for publication costs over € 2,000 total amount (for university members only, not University Hospital). A WBS element is a code in the accounting system that indicates which part of a project the costs are being charged to.
only for publication costs over € 2,000 total amount
only for publication costs over € 2,000 total amount
You also confirm that, before submitting your application, you obtained approval from your institution for the remaining publication costs to be covered from its own funds (insofar as these costs exceed €2,000).
You are welcome to send us your questions, suggestions and criticism.
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