Who is publishing your periodical or book?
The University of Bonn may already be covering your costs centrally. Find out about the special terms1 we have agreed with publishers.
Is your article or book the result of a research project funded by a third party?
Some open-access publication costs can be claimed back from funding providers. Find out more about funding options2.
Is your article or book eligible for funding via one of the University of Bonn's publication funds?
Publication fees can be covered by our publication funds for articles3 and monographs4. Check our funding criteria for articles and our funding criteria for monographs.
If none of the three options is suitable for what you have in mind, it might be worth considering the following:
Might another trustworthy periodical5 (where you would still be eligible for funding) or a different publisher be a possibility for you?
Might you consider publishing your work for a second time in an open-access publication (the "green model6")?
At a loss?
Looking for someone to check the contract with the publisher for your publication? Need some advice on the publication fund? You are welcome to contact us7.
Many funding providers have recognized the importance of open access to research freedom. In research projects in particular, it makes sense not only to finance open-access publications retrospectively but also to consider them when applying for funding in the first place.
Funding providers will therefore often help to finance publication costs incurred as part of the open-access process.

Major open-access programs
DFG programs
The German Research Foundation (DFG) runs the "Publikationsbeihilfe" ("Publication Aid") program for open-access books.
BMBF Projects
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) allows costs for open-access publications to be included in project applications.
Useful links
Here are some links that will show you the various business models and alternatives that exist in the open-access world for both periodicals and books.
- https://www.open-access.uni-bonn.de/en/funding/open-access-agreements
- https://www.open-access.uni-bonn.de/en/funding/checklist-and-grant-programs#funding_option
- https://www.open-access.uni-bonn.de/en/funding/funding-articles
- https://www.open-access.uni-bonn.de/en/funding/funding-monographs
- https://www.open-access.uni-bonn.de/en/basics/finding-the-right-journal
- https://www.open-access.uni-bonn.de/en/basics/publication-models
- https://www.open-access.uni-bonn.de/de/team
- https://open-access.network/en/information/financing/research-funders-and-open-access
- https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu
- https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/programmes/infrastructure/lis/open_access/support_researcher/index.html
- https://blogs.ub.tu-berlin.de/publizieren/2021/09/forschungsfoerderung-und-open-access-bmbf/
- https://open-access.network/en/information/financing
- https://www.publisso.de/en/advice/publishing-advice-faqs/publication-fees/
- https://www.open-access.uni-bonn.de/en/funding/project-deal